When We All Vote Co-Chair Michelle Obama Launches #VotingSquad Campaign Ahead of Midterm Elections - When We All Vote


Washington, DC – Today, with only 11 days left before the midterm elections, When We All Vote Co-Chair Michelle Obama launched #VotingSquad, a new digital campaign calling on Americans to get their friends and family members to the the polls — whether that’s by voting early, by mail, absentee, or on Election Day, November 6th.

In a video message  Mrs. Obama reminded voters that they have the power to get their friends, family and community out to vote. I learned a little secret. You are the best messengers to get out the vote. You know who’s too busy or too forgetful or who might flake out on Election Day”, said Mrs. Obama. She challenged her fellow co-chairs Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Janelle Monáe, Chris Paul, Faith Hill, and Tim McGraw to create their own #VotingSquad while encouraging all eligible voters to do the same.

Watch Mrs. Obama’s message:

When We All Vote and it’s partners hosted over 2,500 events during a National Week of Action in September. More than 200,000 people across the country hosted or attended events and volunteered to help register voters in their communities. The #VotingSquad campaign will further scale these efforts by equipping Americans with the information and resources they need, and from those they trust, to make sure they are registered and ready to vote in this and every election.

Here is how everyone can create their own #VotingSquad:

Video Transcript:

“For over a decade, I’ve been traveling the country trying to get more people to vote.

And during that time, I learned a little secret.

You are the best messengers to get out the vote.

You know who’s too busy or too forgetful or who might flake out on Election Day.

I want you to reach out to five people in your life, in your family, at your school, your congregation, wherever.

Just pick at least five people for your Voting Squad.

Then do whatever it takes to get them to vote.

Tag each other on Instagram and Facebook.

Post group photos.

Put everybody on a text chain.

And then get to the polls on or before November 6th.

Because when we all vote, we all do better.

So sign up your squad at WhenWeAllVote.org/squad.”

ABOUT When We All Vote:

When We All Vote—a new national, nonpartisan not-for-profit—brings together citizens, institutions, and organizations to spark a conversation about our rights and responsibilities in shaping our democracy. Namely, the responsibility of registering and voting. When We All Vote’s co-chairs are some of America’s most trusted voices, including Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Janelle Monáe, Chris Paul, Faith Hill, and Tim McGraw. Join the conversation by talking to friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of their voice and their vote. Because When We All Vote, we can change the world.

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