Voting Squad

Get a personalized voter registration portal!

Get Your Own Voter Registration Portal

Your personalized voter registration portal will track how many people register to vote through your link. Sign up and start to see yourself move up on our Volunteer Leaderboard!

Step 1

We’re asking you to register at least THREE people (but try to get as many as possible!) to vote in your network — friends, family, neighbors, mentees, your book club, church members — whoever may need a little help getting registered.

Step 2

Check in on your progress with our Volunteer Dashboard!

When someone registers to vote using your link, they’ll begin receiving reminders from When We All Vote for upcoming election dates and deadlines in their state. 



Compete With Friends, Family, And Other Volunteers To Register Voters



By The Numbers:
Your When We All Vote Voting Squad

Here you can see how many voters you’ve registered using your personalized link (you will receive the link via email once you sign up). Check out the volunteer leaderboard above to compete with friends!

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